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Purpose(s) in business and life

 This is something that has been near and dear to my heart for a long time and it needs to be said. What is your purpose in business? In other words, Why are you starting a business in the first place? Contrary to some of my previous posts, owning a business is not ALWAYS just about making money. Somewhere along the way the business must be self sustaining, which is rudimentary of any business venture all the way from a lemonade stand to wall street and beyond.
    Somehow, it also has to be fulfilling. a reason to be in business beyond the obvious. It has to not only make you happy, but it has to fit in to the flow of the community and have a purpose, otherwise there will be no customers for your business. Even as a business fails it becomes a lot like real life. People see their life flash before them and wonder what went wrong, or what went right in some cases. I've recently seen family members and others that seem to be hanging on for no reason at all other than just waiting for something on the other side of the curtain of life, but I think there is a bigger(much BIGGER) picture here. God(yes, i said it!) has a purpose for ALL things LIVING and non living, including a business if you allow him. Until that purpose is fulfilled, nothing happens. In business, if you are struggling, you can review financial records, personnel, associates, etc to figure out what went wrong. Sometime this is easy and sometimes not so much. 
    Without diving into the deep end of philosophy and religion, just realize that life imitates art and likewise. A business with a REAL purpose is as fulfilling as a life with real purpose. Be good to others and be good to your business, and if you have an ounce of curiosity in you then pray about it, it REALLY can't hurt.

Until next time...just stop take a deep breath and let it out and know YOU ARE here(wherever you are)  for a reason. Take stock of your life/business and find your purpose today, don't wait till it's too late. Just like a failing business, look for the cause of the failure, you might be surprised by the results.


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