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Showing posts from May 24, 2011

back on the organic kick again! LOL!

Ok, listen up true believers and those of you who have been reading my rants and raves over the past few months. If you haven't been reading(shame on you!) then start at the bottom and work your way gets better as we go...but we still need more  worshipers...err... um mm...followers...ummmm .....READERS! yeah! readers is what I meant! The whole organic thing with google and other search engines or portals or whatever, is like the icing on the proverbial cake...some may disagree with this but it needs to be said and that is that ORGANIC results are the purest(99.9999994%) form of search you will ever get. The results are the untampered answers to your input queries and as straight forward as you can just about get. So, Ok you are scratching your head at this point and saying to yourself "what ____ has this got to do with me?" It has everything to do with you, but of course IF you are a seasoned webmaster or have ever attempted SEO then please step to the side ...