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Showing posts from May 29, 2012


One of the main things that is most obvious is to have a plan of action, but after you've done the business plan or whatever...where to go from there. Do I sell other peoples products and earn a commission? a.k.a. affiliate marketing or do I take the bolder step and create my own product or service? Let's do a simple comparison of the the two above: 1: with your own product you make all the money and keep everything. 2: Selling affiliate marketing the product is complete and you don't spend all the time building it. 3: Affiliate marketers have lots of people selling their stuff. 4: Your own product is fresh new and innovative and needs to be introduced to the market. there are a million other reasons that could swing both ways, but for now lets focus on your own product. Here are the simple steps. 1: write and article 2: convert it to pdf 3: package some links in it and some pictures and that's it. 4: Sell it! For now that's all i'm going to say, ...