When it comes to Internet Marketing the rules are the same as brick and mortar, but each has an advantage/disadvantage that the other doesn't have...for example: D -Domain name -yeah you can get your physical business name registered with the SBA, local tax office and maybe if you are lucky you can get an exclusive license for a franchise for that area, but the Internet is different in the respect that you get a TOP LEVEL DOMAIN for your business and it belongs to you alone for whatever amount of time you register it for. It's the equivalent of lease on property in the real world. IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about running an online business then you should SERIOUSLY consider a TLD. E -Email ; as in an Email list of people who regularly visit your website and will become or are already customers. Ebay -very important! If there is something you want to sell and can find nowhere else to go then eBay is your answer. F -FAQ -Frequently asked questions. If you run any k...
A place with tips and opinions on different ways to make money online. Including zero investment options and many other diverse ways to generate revenue. So keep coming back for more updates!