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Showing posts from August 23, 2012


I have been following this for several weeks now and even though they have actually been around for about 2 years now, no one has heard of them until early this year when they opened the doors to the public. Of course, I'm talking about the Pinterest movement . In less than a year, they have grown to OVER 65 million users and that number is growing exponentially. It is no wonder Facebook and the rest of social media is quaking in their boots. They effectively were caught with their pants down. Looking like fools with their pants on the ground...pants on the ground...pants on the ground...looking like fools with their pants on the ground. LOL!!! Anyway, being the king of the hill has its advantages, but just as many disadvantages. Like being blinded by their own smug, pride that NO ONE can topple them....but this is not a story about the failures of social media, but more of a willingness to either adapt to the ever-changing landscape that is THE INTERNET or fall victim to one’s ow...