Often in your Journey through the mysterious world of Internet Marketing you will come across a time when you need help with a problem or project that you can't solve on your own....then maybe you should consider: J-Joint Venture(JV) -it's nothing more than a limited partnership of one or more persons working together towards a common goal. K -Keyword(s) -These are the identifiers on your page that tell search engines hey here I am. It helps them TARGET your site and maybe they'll be interested. Very Important in SEO(search engine optimization ranking. L -Landing pages and Links -A landing page is just that, it's the first page that your user lands on when they come to your site from an Advertisement. Links are what make up the Internet in a nutshell, the more relevant links you have on you site the better you will be. Good Luck and of course the COMMENT BOX is $ $ $ O P E N $ $ $
A place with tips and opinions on different ways to make money online. Including zero investment options and many other diverse ways to generate revenue. So keep coming back for more updates!