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Showing posts from March 1, 2011

Lessons learned the hard way or a.k.a. hard headed <---that's me!

I've not had the best of days lately and just when things slack up a little they seem to go from bad to worse. You might notice or might not notice the absence of the ads on this blog. Apparently, for some reason unknown to me, Google has decreed that my click patterns are invalid and after 3 years of using Adsense ads they terminated my account. Naturally I wrote an appeal letter, but it probably won't do any good. Anyway, the main point here is not to degrade adwords or adsense because both of them are fine programs and they have rules just like ANY other advertiser. The difference is that they are a little stricter than others, but they didn't get to be on top by lightening up the rules for a few people. The point here is to ALWAYS not only read the Terms of Service, but to understand them completely. If there is some question about a rule or something you disagree with then move on to somewhere else, because the rules are NOT going to change just because you wis...