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Showing posts from March 10, 2011


Ok, i'm going to stay off the soap box today and talk about something that looks to be a good prospect and I've noticed a lot of marketers are using this. It's an idea that by itself is fine but in reality is just one part of a bigger picture that is still being painted. I'm talking about Mini-sites. They are just like regular websites, but they are only a few pages and they are SEO (search engine optimized). They have a squeeze page, maybe a product page, and an order/redirect page. They are simple to setup, search engines love them, and you can setup several of them really fast. Here a really good site that has a LOT of free advice on Mini-sites, their design, and monetization. Check it out and as I discover more FREE mini-site help I'll add it here! And of course the COMMENT BOX is OPEN!!!!