Ok here we are all the way into 2025 and I'm still here. I realize that a blog is no longer the preferred medium anymore, but it's a good way to keep a sort of journal of my thoughts and things I come across that me get someone's interest. If it helps then feel free to drop me a line or not and let me know. Anyway, I'll check in when I have something new. Thank you for now.
Ok, to put it plain and simple...AI is a lot like what the Internet was back in the 90's (for those of us who were around back then). It's a fundamental change to the ALL aspects of our entire lives. It is also in its infancy and much like the ever evolving internet, it will change us as well. For those who harness it now, there is lots of money to be made, but the niches are filling up fast. When the second wave rolls in, there will be MORE money to be made, and so forth. Those who RECOGNIZE the process in advance are the ones who PROFIT the most. There is also a lot of research in AI that needs to harnessed. AS I always say: DO THE HOMEWORK--->Know what you want, pick a niche, stick with it. IT CAN BE DONE! Good luck and as always I'll leave the light on for you!