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Showing posts from August, 2011

Mobile marketing

I have been asked a few times lately why I haven't said anything about Mobile Marketing. Well, for one the so called guru's want to HYPE up the Mobile market because of obvious reasons, mainly being the fact that THEY are going to make more money scamming you and I, but WE ARE SMARTER THAN THAT! Of course all that aside, there is money to be made in mobile marketing, but with the current state of the economy and people holding onto their trusty flip/dinosaur/old phones(i have a friend who bought a new phone recently that DID NOT even have a camera built into it, geez!) it is hard to advertise to these people if they cant even get onto the MOBILE WEB! I don't even own a smart phone myself mainly because of the cost of the data plans and please don't talk to me about Straight talk or any other cheap plans because the phones they work on are pure garbage! In a few years when the majority of the world has a smart phone we can actually receive advertisements then we'll...

new program for making FREE money online, worth at least checking out!

This is free to join, but like all things in life you have to spend a little to make a LOT. You have to buy gas to get to work right? you have to buy food to live? well this is no different. Just watch the Video on the site and decide for have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Really Interesting Program for making money on autopilot! CLICK HERE NOW!

plr tips and more...

Just a quick case i hadn't mentioned this before...There are a lot and I mean a LOT of Free E-books out there with MRR or PLR on them. Master Resell Rights and Private Label Rights respectively. Instead of just putting these books up on a website for others to buy or giving them away...try reading them. There is a WEALTH of information in these books and it's waiting for you to read it. NOW HERE IS A REALLY COOL IDEA I CAME UP WITH... you're going to love this one .... Since these are free for the most part and you have read the agreement with each book...why not take excerpts from the FREE BOOKS and combine them in a NEW book and repackage it and resell it!?! eh? there is NO copyright violation because you have the above mentioned rights to do so with each book if the author lets you. Just another good way to make money.....what have you got to lose? Leave a comment below if you dare....