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Showing posts from April, 2012
Just a note to say that in this part of the world it is spring and summer is almost on instead of sitting around the house crying about not making money on the Internet, get outside and get some fresh air or whatever air you've got and enjoy life for a day. Because when you get back I'll still be here waiting and ranting about something. Grab a cold glass of ice tea and get out! c-ya

being social for traffic

We all could be a little more sociable, right or wrong? Well, it depends on not only WHO you are, but more specifically what are you doing that you need to interact more with people? Let's look at a few real world examples: An underwater welder really is not interested in your opinion and social activity for him/her is not all that important....on the opposite is the sales clerk as the local store...this person needs to know the customers and be able to fulfill their needs, but BOTH examples need to know their environment and the products they are handling. It all goes the same with Internet Marketing, a little common sense goes a lonnnnnnng way...(especially if you have read any of my OTHER rants on this blog! LOL! hahaha!) If you see a FREE Live/taped/or otherwise/ Webinar about Marketing...then I would highly recommend that you attend, take notes, record it, absorb it, etc...and go on... The key here is LEARNING....learning to adapt to an EVER CHANGING MARKET that will chan...