What does value mean to you? It's just a simple question, but people have all kinds of varied answers and no one is wrong, it just means different things to different people. A lot of value depends on the situation. Because there are, so many different answers let us look at the core of the word 'value' and place a general definition. Value is nothing more than what something is worth to you as an individual. It can the personal value of a shopping cart full of junk to a bag lady, or a bearer bond to a wall street tycoon(aren’t too many of either of them left is there! LOL!). More importantly is what is the value of your time in a day? What is the time you spend on a project or doing anything worth to you? Do you value the time you spend with your kids, your family, friends, so on and so on....The memories alone are priceless. So when you sit down and begin to plan for an online business (I hope you are) then how much time do you devote to overall value of your business? ...
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