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Showing posts from 2017

New years resolutions

Just a quick bit of truth here for those of you who still read this blog... Your number one priority for the new year should be one thing: Saving   Saving   Saving   This is the one thing we in america and a lot of people around the world can't grasp. Get out of debt as quick as possible. You CAN do it. Setup a budget and cut up the credit cards and pay off the loans, and stop borrowing. Also, get away from schemes that promise a large pay out in a short time. THERE ARE NO GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES! Making money sometimes takes a small investment, but it pays off when know what you are getting into and NEVER put any money in something unless you are not planning on getting it back. In other words, use only a fraction of what I call disposable income. If it doesn't work then you have lost nothing, but gained a valuable lesson to pass on to others. Peace, Love, Happiness. See you next year!

Just take a moment...

Just take moment out of whatever it is you are doing RIGHT NOW and take a deep breath.  Look around you and realize that another year has gone by and recap for yourself not what  you have done to make just your life better, but what have you done to help your neighbors,  and the world in general, to make the world a better place for all of us. We ARE after all a  global community whether we believe it or not thanks to the Internet, social media, and etc. Pass this on to others and share the love.

upcoming holidays

Thanksgiving is right around the corner here in the states as well as 'black Friday'. Then Christmas and new years are right around the corner. Well, now all that money you made during the year is ready to be spent. Budget yourself and don't impulse buy. Buy gifts only for those who truly deserve them and give freely out of the goodness of your heart not expecting to receive in return. Just the blessing of giving is the greatest gift of all!

How to get paid making money online

Over the years of writing this blog and etc....I've come to the inevitable conclusion of something thing that I figured out a long time ago, but chose to deny somewhere along the way.  It is the inescapable fact that IF you want to make money you have to spend money.  That by itself is an innocuous statement.  However, when you have a job working brick and mortar somewhere you realize that you probably need a way to work.  You pay a bus, train, gas in a car, whatever, wherever.  Anyway you shake it, it costs you money.  IF you are creative you can earn a dollar here or there through several programs and coalesce that money into a paying program, but that is VERY difficult and often leads to failure as the free programs don't usually pay enough to sustain a paying programs monthly subscription fees.  You can be the person on the other side of the curtain, but there are development costs for a website and etc...and there are free domains ...

Ebates, money for nothing!

Zen and the art of everything money

Zen in short is an enlightenment of focus of the mind on a particular subject or any number of things. It is basically learning something new that makes your quality of life better. I would like to give all the(however few) readers here some insight that may possibly make your life or quality life better. A bit of Zen for us all perhaps. Looking back over the years that I've been writing and contributing to this blog, I've tried in some off the wall way to instill a bit of Zen from my personal experiences into these writings. I can't say that I've been successful at all my endeavors but they haven't all been failures either. Together with the readers of this blog, I've ranted, raved, and somewhere along the path to possible enlightenment I've learned a few things. Those things can be found in the archives of this blog. However, looking back over the past few years I can certainly say that the Internet and the world around us has changed quite a bit, and no...

For your consideration about making money and meeting goals. It's a simple formula.

It is my opinion, along with many others, that anyone who joins or purchases ANY "how to" or "business opportunity" product...will get little if any results. The reason for this is simple: They don't take action, and they don't keep trying after hitting the inevitable roadblock. If you want to succeed you need to have a good plan, a solid work ethic, and the ability to keep working toward your goals when you stumble or hit a snag. If you simply keep buying the next "greatest and latest" business and never follow instructions and take action, you're wasting your time and most importantly money! People who work hard will see results. It may be small at first, but it WILL pay off. One of the BEST analogies I ever heard was RINSE and REPEAT If you can earn a dime then you can earn a dollar and so forth! Small change adds up and becomes dollars! Just have enough sense for two things! 1: If it ain't working and you know i...

just checking in

I'll make this quick. I've been working this program for about the last 6 months or so called I've made over $33,000 in revenue so far with ZERO monetary investment on my part. All i can say is check it out for yourself. Here is the link: Let me know if it works for you and other feedback. Thanks