Zen in short is an enlightenment of focus of the mind on a particular subject or any number of things. It is basically learning something new that makes your quality of life better. I would like to give all the(however few) readers here some insight that may possibly make your life or quality life better. A bit of Zen for us all perhaps. Looking back over the years that I've been writing and contributing to this blog, I've tried in some off the wall way to instill a bit of Zen from my personal experiences into these writings. I can't say that I've been successful at all my endeavors but they haven't all been failures either. Together with the readers of this blog, I've ranted, raved, and somewhere along the path to possible enlightenment I've learned a few things. Those things can be found in the archives of this blog. However, looking back over the past few years I can certainly say that the Internet and the world around us has changed quite a bit, and no...
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