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Showing posts from May, 2011

Let's continue with our A 2 Z of marketing

When it comes to Internet Marketing the rules are the same as brick and mortar, but each has an advantage/disadvantage that the other doesn't have...for example: D -Domain name -yeah you can get your physical business name registered with the SBA, local tax office and maybe if you are lucky you can get an exclusive license for a franchise for that area, but the Internet is different in the respect that you get a TOP LEVEL DOMAIN  for your business and it belongs to you alone for whatever amount of time you register it for. It's the equivalent of lease on property in the real world. IF YOU ARE SERIOUS about running an online business then you should SERIOUSLY consider a TLD. E -Email ; as in an Email list of people who regularly visit your website and will become or are already customers. Ebay -very important! If there is something you want to sell and can find nowhere else to go then eBay is your answer. F -FAQ -Frequently asked questions. If you run any k...

just a quick note...because you KNEW it was coming....

I use Traffic Exchanges a lot to generate traffic and have found them to be an excellent source of traffic!(hence the name traffic exchange), but I've recently come across a form of TE that to some might be less effective, but I tried them and I disagree. You may or may not have heard of Autosurfing here for a definition and some Autosurf research. The main idea is that you DO NOT have to click on any kind of verification image for the most part, aside from the bonus credits and etc...the ads go on by themselves and you earn credits for hits. The 2 that I have experimented with are LAZYHITS -30 second timer with a 1:1 ratio NUCLEARHITS -20 second timer with a 1:0.7 ratio for autosurf or 1:1 for manual surf. I'll add more as I find them and try them out....feel free to comment if you like these sites.

A to Z of Internet Marketing

This is a Little something I thought of that will fit well with the theme of this blog and its goal of educating people about Online businesses and Internet marketing. You can click each link to goto google to see the available searches. I'm going to go through the Alphabet and each day I'll post a new term with next letter(s) until we get to Z. I'll give an abridged def. of each term. Feel free to comment with any definitions I might be missing. A - Affiliate marketing Selling or promoting someones else's product for a commission.     Advertising The Act of drawing attention to the product or service that you are promoting. B - B to B marketing better known as Business to Business marketing. It's simply what it says.     Back links The Links that link back to your site from someone else's page. Not as easy to obtain as you think                 which makes them very relevant to a search engine. Even then they nee...

back on the organic kick again! LOL!

Ok, listen up true believers and those of you who have been reading my rants and raves over the past few months. If you haven't been reading(shame on you!) then start at the bottom and work your way gets better as we go...but we still need more  worshipers...err... um mm...followers...ummmm .....READERS! yeah! readers is what I meant! The whole organic thing with google and other search engines or portals or whatever, is like the icing on the proverbial cake...some may disagree with this but it needs to be said and that is that ORGANIC results are the purest(99.9999994%) form of search you will ever get. The results are the untampered answers to your input queries and as straight forward as you can just about get. So, Ok you are scratching your head at this point and saying to yourself "what ____ has this got to do with me?" It has everything to do with you, but of course IF you are a seasoned webmaster or have ever attempted SEO then please step to the side ...

a bit about blogging

Once upon a time about 5 or 6 years ago(ancient history in Internet Terms) Blogging was the darling of the Internet. EVERYONE had to have a blog, but that all changed and along came MS, FB, and others and stole the thunder right out from under the blog party! HOWEVER, blogging has NOT gone away and in some ways is making a comeback. Leading the way is Wordpress and of course blogger!(where this blog is hosted). Those two are fine because they are free and offer an endless amount of plugins to customize you blog, or in the case of Wordpress you can host it yourself and customize it even further. Aside from the two obvious sites for hosting that comes to mind there are many many many others.... Click here for a List  or  Click here to search google for even more... Blogs are good for Internet businesses and the search engines love them and they are easy to setup. Most are already optimized for the search engines and therefore can pagerank easily. They are easy to tweak as ...

Niche Marketing

Ok, The title is simple! Niche Marketing! What is it and how do I use it? It is nothing more than the process of cornering the market where you are selling or promoting your product. It is different than targeted marketing, but similar. With targeted marketing you aim for a specific audience with several products. With Niche Marketing you usually have one or two products at most. However, your focus on those products being promoted is laser focused! There are literally BILLIONS on pages and sites on NICHE marketing and how to use it to your advantage. Just search for NICHE MARKETING as a broad search and narrow it down from there. You can also think of a local small business as a Niche Market, i.e. detail shop, plumber, etc...because that is what makes them money. If you need assistance or further help with this just email me or leave a comment. Good Luck   a nd of course the   COMMENT BOX   is   $ $ $ O P E N $ $ $