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A friendly warning about ADS sharing sites

I'm going to make this post simple and to the point WITHOUT any DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER!(although some deserve it!)
There are some Ad sites that work and there are some who are VERY OVER PROTECTIVE!
It's kind of difficult to write this post without saying who they are, but any of you have visited here more than twice and saw the ADS will probably know who I am talking about!
Let me start off by saying that I was a full fledged member in good standing for over 4 YEARS with the LARGEST ad sharing network on the planet and to get straight to the point, when I was ALMOST AT the point to get my first check they suspended and deleted my account and said that I was trying to cheat the ADVERTISERS! I wrote an appeal which was immediately denied without reason. So I went without ads for awhile and decided to try a couple of other sites.
One of the new sites that I was trying out turned out to have a reputation of not paying as well, which may or may not have been true, because I cancelled the account and moved on to the next one after reading some reviews about it and tried it out, but true to form they never paid.
This last one however is a little different. I didn't earn any significant amount of money from the ads, but apparently they are having problems with their system or would rather just get rid of the little guy, although, an average of 600+ hits a month for my blog is NOT THAT BAD!
Anyway, they have repeatedly accused me of having invalid clicks on the blog and at one point accused ME of clicking my own ads, even when I hadn't even visited my blog for several days.
so, it comes down to THIS:


I have decided that since no one reads the ADS anyway, I can just take them OFF of MY BLOG!
The point here is what I have said all along and that is to do your homework and read the reviews for yourself BEFORE you get into something. No matter whether it is putting ads on a site or whatever you are doing!
Do the research, 5 minutes of reading, will save you from 5 hours of headache! SERIOUSLY!
Hope all this helps just a little bit, because the road to making money ANYWHERE is always rocky, bumpy, full of potholes, set backs, and bandits.
Hang in there you'll make it!

until next time the Comment box is STILL OPEN!



  1. Hello, I see you have a nice website. Would you be interested if I would put a banner on you website and whenever someone goes to what website and fills the op tin form I will give you 0.50c it depends from the offer, but this is minimum. For some offers I can give you $2
    I think this would be good way to monetize your website.

    I have some other questions..
    1.Where are you based? From which country do you get most amount of visitors? My offer is only US based.
    Tell me what do you think.



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