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Happy Holidays

Just wanted to say a quick Happy Holidays and Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it. Hope you didn't do like me and eat too much... :)
Economists are saying that the worst may be past us, but I'm more pessimistic than most people and err on the side of caution and that this might all be the calm before the real financial storm and collapse. But, lets at least hope for the best.
Lots of Cyber Monday deals out there and more deals on all kinds of things and stuff that you really want.
So, I'm just saying....Support you local economy first and buy locally!
Mom and Pop stores and small businesses founded this country and the world, don't let them down, because we really can't live without them.
That's all I've got for now, so Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas or whatever you call it...and Peace on Earth!
As usual the Comment Box is ALWAYS OPEN!!!
I'll leave the light on for ya!


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