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Showing posts from 2013

Just a quick rant to all the haters and complainers in the United States

Do you ever wonder why after 1954 when 'under God' was added to the pledge of allegiance that all of the sudden people are offended....I can tell you why, because we relaxed our guard and let truth haters, God haters, and all kinds of other viruses to creep into our once great country and then we gave them a voice.  They turned our own words and laws against us. Now we are the minority that is struggling to get our country back, but it is not from a foreign invasion, it is from ourselves and our idiot ways. We have slid so far down hill that we wonder why things are so bad. Things are so bad because LET THEM get that way. We turned a blind eye to what was once and always was right, and still is to some people.  Go ahead and call your self and agnostic, atheist, Separation of church and state all you want, but try explaining that to GOD when you stand in front of him and have to give account for why you became that way.  I'll say this loud and clear, IF you do...
I am still here, i've been taking time for life and education, and not necessarily in that order. As soon as I get some tip, tricks, rant, or whatever...I will post them! Thanks for reading and understanding. i'll type at ya soon.

Just checking in! and doing a promotional! got to pay the bills you know....

So, this is not a serious blog all the time as you can tell from the archives, but every once in awhile I like to promote a product or two. Here a couple of products that are good money makers so far. They are at least worth checking out: Mobile Money Code AdClick Xpress  This one is the combination of Profit Clicking and Click-paid and this time they ARE paying! Excellent program for a passive income that keeps growing! Enjoy!
Check this out! An awesome Auto-surf that I have been using for awhile now...just wanted to pass this along!

Partner with Facebook’s unlimited bank of traffic?

Partner with Facebook’s unlimited bank of traffic? Hey there, If you are looking to generate real sales straight off of Facebook, then you've got to see this >> http://steve572.get10kfans.hop. Come see how a buddy of mine is using Facebook Fan Pages to connect real business with new customers every day. If you’re not using Facebook like this, you’re falling behind! Watch this video right now:  http://steve572.get10kfans.hop. Leave a comment if you try this and let me and everyone else know how well it works for YOU!
Hello there....For those of you who might still be following this blog...thanks for sticking around for all this time. I still dig up a few good tips every once once in awhile. This latest entry involves the whole Internet tax debate. I am not going to take sides here because sure it is a loophole of sorts to sell on the Internet and not have to pay taxes. We have enjoyed that freedom for a long time, BUT like all good things we have to admit it is just another freedom that the governments of the world are going to take from us, we the people, in order keep us under their proverbial thumbs. I think the real question is who would really benefit the most from an Internet tax? Something to think about.....hmm...

The power of a Positive education and Positive thinking!

Okay it has been a while  but I just wanted to check in and let you know that I have been very busy! I am currently taking 23 credit hours at 2 different schools and yes I have no life!haha! the point here is that if you have a chance to go back to school and get an education or a better education and improve your skills then you should do it and do not hesitate! There are all kinds of scholarships, grants, and monies for people out there. Take advantage of it now, because the government is taking away more and more benefits, freedoms, and things we take for granted, every day! If it is money you want to make go back to school If it is making money online go back to school If you want to make money online then go back to school. This is something important that I have said all along and that is  Do the research and the homework . There are literally millions of websites that tell you how to be successful in doing all of the above, you just have to put all th...