Do you ever wonder why after 1954 when
'under God' was added to the pledge of allegiance that all of the
sudden people are offended....I can tell you why, because we relaxed
our guard and let truth haters, God haters, and all kinds of other
viruses to creep into our once great country and then we gave them a
They turned our own words and laws against us. Now we are the
minority that is struggling to get our country back, but it is not
from a foreign invasion, it is from ourselves and our idiot ways. We
have slid so far down hill that we wonder why things are so bad.
Things are so bad because LET THEM get that way. We turned a blind
eye to what was once and always was right, and still is to some
Go ahead and call your self and agnostic, atheist, Separation
of church and state all you want, but try explaining that to GOD when
you stand in front of him and have to give account for why you became
that way.
I'll say this loud and clear, IF you don't like the BIBLE,
the FLAG, or ME for telling the truth then let me buy your passport
to another country and go and complain about their laws and rules and
see what happens. You won't last very long, I guarantee it. That's my
two cents and a lot more for you haters, get a life or get out of my country. Also, If I have offended any of you haters then I have done my job!
P.S. I may have some money making tips soon, I'm working on a program that if it is successful then I will share it with y'all. Also, If you live in the U.S., Payza has pulled completely out. There have been accusations and more about Payza holding millions of dollars of several companies and most of them in the United States. So, if you live in the U.S. you cannot use Payza anymore. Just a quick heads up there. Enjoy the holidays and Happy New Year!
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