5 Steps to generate Traffic on the Internet! Do you want more traffic to your blog or website? of course you do, who doesn't? Here are some simple ideas and If you can think of more let me know! 1. High quality content It is very important to have good quality content. On the Internet, content rules. One of the main ways for you to get good traffic or any traffic at all is by having content on your website that people WANT TO READ. So remember to try to devote a little more time to your content and it will pay off big time in the long run! 2. Link exchanges. Linking is an old school way of generating traffic Internet, but it still works. It is a excellent way of promoting your content. To build links, you must get in touch with the blog or website owner whose site(s) have content like yours. Once you locate the blog or website, you can then contact the owner and ask to exchange links. Through them, you will definitely be able t...
I see the Internet a battleground for e-commerce in the future. The people want to make money, the government wants to regulate it, the hackers want your info, big business wants to squash the little guy, and so forth. If someone is serious about E-commerce then there is money to be made and lots of it. The real secret, at least in this stage of the game is INNOVATION, Be innovative and not only do what the others are doing by making it more efficient, but do something NO ONE else is doing. That is where the real money is at. Stepping out of the boat and knowing there is water under you, but you won't sink, because you have the faith within you to succeed no matter what obstacles are in your way.