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Redemption for all things great and small or easy money? your call!

I want to say thanks to all the readers whoever you are, now and in the future. It's a time of year for introspection and redemption. I found this article in my e-mail and I want to share the link with you because it has a message in it not only for those you understand but those who seek the truth. This is just another step down the road, but love it or leave it...YOU know who you are and whether this applies to you or not.

Here is the message:


It means to buy back!
Something lost and now redeemed.
Bought back and brought back!
A wonderful picture of any of us who may have struck out in life.
Any of us who may have not done well if life, family, business.
It is a picture of something lost and now found.
Something wasted and now back.
Something that was out there and now close.
Redemption is a wonderful word.
We all want that.
Forgive.  Second chance.  Redeem.
Oh yes, online business.
Oh yes, online advertising.
Oh yes, affiliate marketing.
Oh yes, network marketing.
Oh yes, traffic and commissions building.
Oh yes, Your Hoopla!
Oh Yes Yes Yes!!!  all life!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


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