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Showing posts from 2012

Free advice and Free Will welcome to Dec 22 2012

Ok, It is nice to see we are all still here, there was NO apocalypse, and the no polar shift, etc...however...I say let us all celebrate and be thankful at this time of year and if only for a day or a week, let there be peace everywhere. Families unite and put aside differences, swallow your pride, move on with life, because the fact is simply this: NONE OF US ARE GETTING ANY YOUNGER!!! We never know when the end could come, so let's make 2013 a better year for ourselves, our country(wherever you are from) and the world! Here is my virtual Toast to Good PROFITING in 2013! As usual the comment box is always open and the blog is always free.

Happy Holidays and good profits

Hello EVERYONE! Just some quick rants here too start off with: 1. DEC 22, 2012 WE WILL ALL STILL BE HERE! NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! ENOUGH SAID! 2. The Profit Clicking program is doing really well and chugging along. So far I have made about $60 from the $10 they game me and still haven't invested any of my own money. Here is my referral link if you want to check it out. If you sign up, please sign up under me. It would really help a lot. Signup before DEC 25, 2012 and every ad pack you buy earns 3% daily instead of the regular 2% daily and 1% on weekends. 3. I usually do not recommend or promote any program that does not work or is bad for you. 4. Happy Hanukkah , Merry Christmas , happy new year, happy holidays, etc... 5. The comment box is always open.

Happy Holidays

Just wanted to say a quick Happy Holidays and Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate it. Hope you didn't do like me and eat too much... :) Economists are saying that the worst may be past us, but I'm more pessimistic than most people and err on the side of caution and that this might all be the calm before the real financial storm and collapse. But, lets at least hope for the best. Lots of Cyber Monday deals out there and more deals on all kinds of things and stuff that you really want. So, I'm just saying....Support you local economy first and buy locally! Mom and Pop stores and small businesses founded this country and the world, don't let them down, because we really can't live without them. That's all I've got for now, so Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas or whatever you call it...and Peace on Earth! As usual the Comment Box is ALWAYS OPEN!!! I'll leave the light on for ya!

What makes us want to buy that particular item?

When we buy something, what motivates us to purchase it? I don't mean the simple everyday things like food, and other necessities, because those are a given...What I am talking about is something bigger...   I am talking specifically about investing in online marketing programs. What is it about the program that makes you really want to give a stranger your money? I personally would NEVER invest in anything that says I can make you a millionaire period!!!! If I was making that kind of money, Why on earth would I even consider telling you my secret? When you read the fine print on almost all of these sites, it says that the actual earnings are not typical and blah blah blah....where they are making the money is off of suckers who fall victim to their lies. Now here is the kicker to this whole message.... QUALITY <<<--- That's it again....QUALITY! The way that marketing is changing it is leaning more in the direction of higher quality produ...
What does value mean to you? It's just a simple question, but people have all kinds of varied answers and no one is wrong, it just means different things to different people. A lot of value depends on the situation. Because there are, so many different answers let us look at the core of the word 'value' and place a general definition. Value is nothing more than what something is worth to you as an individual. It can the personal value of a shopping cart full of junk to a bag lady, or a bearer bond to a wall street tycoon(aren’t too many of either of them left is there! LOL!). More importantly is what is the value of your time in a day? What is the time you spend on a project or doing anything worth to you? Do you value the time you spend with your kids, your family, friends, so on and so on....The memories alone are priceless. So when you sit down and begin to plan for an online business (I hope you are) then how much time do you devote to overall value of your business? ...


I have been following this for several weeks now and even though they have actually been around for about 2 years now, no one has heard of them until early this year when they opened the doors to the public. Of course, I'm talking about the Pinterest movement . In less than a year, they have grown to OVER 65 million users and that number is growing exponentially. It is no wonder Facebook and the rest of social media is quaking in their boots. They effectively were caught with their pants down. Looking like fools with their pants on the ground...pants on the ground...pants on the ground...looking like fools with their pants on the ground. LOL!!! Anyway, being the king of the hill has its advantages, but just as many disadvantages. Like being blinded by their own smug, pride that NO ONE can topple them....but this is not a story about the failures of social media, but more of a willingness to either adapt to the ever-changing landscape that is THE INTERNET or fall victim to one’s ow...

New Website

I'm trying to promote some programs through CLICKBANK that will help you teach you how to make a living online and etc... I'll try to update the list with newer programs as they come available. If I get some feedback here it would help. I would like to categorize them and add a few more...any help would be appreciated. Thanks and good profits! here is the site Ad Click Xpress

mobile and more

Ok, somewhere in the archives of this blog and within the realm of my usual and sometimes unusual rants and raves and etc. about making money, I made a blog post about going mobile for profits, but since then I have to admit a lot has changed in the tech world as it does soooooooo quickly these days and as much as I would love to go in to specifics about mobile device and the possibilities that are out there...well there is just not enough room on this blog or in these fingers to type it all, but if you want the latest(as if you have been under a rock somewhere) on mobile profits you can simply use your favorite search engine and search for "mobile profits" and see what comes up. A quick note is that the general trend is mobile devices and although the desktop is good for a base of operations, it cant go with you. Think Laptop,notebook,netbook,tablet,phone,or whatever! The  possibilities are endless and we are being either herded like cattle and push and pulled along or we w...

where to start on writing your own articles

Let's start with something simple: There are several ways to create a .pdf file. You can use this one  or you can usually export it to a .pdf from several popular text editors. the disadvantage being how to edit it once it has been exported or you can simple reedit it and export it all over again. .PDF is of course only one format of many choices, but it is usually the most popular for downloading. We'll just use this format for the sake of THIS article. No matter what you use, you always need a good editor. This is where SEARCH engines come into play. You need SOURCE material. Just like when you were in school and had to write a paper or a term paper in college, you need to do some research. SELECT A TOPIC: Here is a REALLY excellent way to start. See what the popular trends and keywords are by using this link: or go directly to the keyword tool with this link: Google AdWords Keyword Tool Do your research on a popula...


One of the main things that is most obvious is to have a plan of action, but after you've done the business plan or whatever...where to go from there. Do I sell other peoples products and earn a commission? a.k.a. affiliate marketing or do I take the bolder step and create my own product or service? Let's do a simple comparison of the the two above: 1: with your own product you make all the money and keep everything. 2: Selling affiliate marketing the product is complete and you don't spend all the time building it. 3: Affiliate marketers have lots of people selling their stuff. 4: Your own product is fresh new and innovative and needs to be introduced to the market. there are a million other reasons that could swing both ways, but for now lets focus on your own product. Here are the simple steps. 1: write and article 2: convert it to pdf 3: package some links in it and some pictures and that's it. 4: Sell it! For now that's all i'm going to say, ...

What Motivates us to do something or anything?

Go out on the street and ask anyone what motivates them and you will wind up with so many different answers that it might take awhile to sort it all out. However, the reality of it all is that no matter what you are doing...i.e.competing on an insane island for money, or trotting around the globe, or working a 9 to 5 job, you are all there for a reason. The main thing, without getting too deep is self preservation. A homeless person will seek out food, shelter, sustenance. We are no different, we seek out employment to earn money to trade for our basic needs. But that is NOT enough for us to be make ourselves into better people and to go beyond everyday survival, we need a few basic things for our mental survival as well... 1. We need to be doing something all the time: A couch potato will fade quickly into nothing because they have nothing to do, but staying active gives us a sense of accomplishment and a reason to seek out the second point! 2. We need to love! Wh...
Just a note to say that in this part of the world it is spring and summer is almost on instead of sitting around the house crying about not making money on the Internet, get outside and get some fresh air or whatever air you've got and enjoy life for a day. Because when you get back I'll still be here waiting and ranting about something. Grab a cold glass of ice tea and get out! c-ya

being social for traffic

We all could be a little more sociable, right or wrong? Well, it depends on not only WHO you are, but more specifically what are you doing that you need to interact more with people? Let's look at a few real world examples: An underwater welder really is not interested in your opinion and social activity for him/her is not all that important....on the opposite is the sales clerk as the local store...this person needs to know the customers and be able to fulfill their needs, but BOTH examples need to know their environment and the products they are handling. It all goes the same with Internet Marketing, a little common sense goes a lonnnnnnng way...(especially if you have read any of my OTHER rants on this blog! LOL! hahaha!) If you see a FREE Live/taped/or otherwise/ Webinar about Marketing...then I would highly recommend that you attend, take notes, record it, absorb it, etc...and go on... The key here is LEARNING....learning to adapt to an EVER CHANGING MARKET that will chan...

just a quick rant

Ok, I realize that Free advice is not always good advice, but then again sometimes paid advice is so hard to follow that you regret ever buying it...but hey why pay for it when you can get it for free, right? I am NOT an expert on money making by any means, but I have made a few dollars over time, actually I made enough to buy myself and my kids a few extra things for Christmas, I won't say exactly how much, but they were happy. Oddly enough most of it came from surveys and etc...let's just say it was OVER $100.00 USD. My point is that you should never give up and try reading some of my older posts and use the search engines to determine what is REALLY a scam and what is not. type in the name of the program or as close as you remember it and follow it with the word SCAM. You can tell what is a scam and what isn't. Usually if it is free it too good to be true, although there are some rare gems, but like all rare gems they must be found and they are not going to be drop...

Again with the Traffic Exchanges or Making Money Online one way or another

Okay, Let's start off with the Traffic Exchanges! What is a Traffic Exchange? My definition is this: a place, site, or program designed to send Traffic to a specific website designed or promoted by you. Wikipedia Definition of Traffic Exchange There are a lot more details and you can do the research yourself because there are volumes of information about the various aspects of TE's, but there are a few simple things to remember: 1. Buying credits at a TE depends on the particular TE. Find out how many members they have and if possible how many are online at any given time and MORE important is WHAT time of day are the most people online. 2. Bigger Exchanges have more users, but more pages in rotation, so making your page stand out from the crowd is VERY important on these sites. 3: Check the RATIO. How many sites do you have to view to get 1 credit. It varies from site to site. Although a shorter timer is more preferred remember that people are only seeing your sit...

try to be optimistic and see the bigger picture

I've tried to open my mind to the greater possibilities that the internet offers and far as money making and profiting goes, but it all boils down to a few things: 1. Having an online presence. The big stores have the brick and mortar to back them up. Online only is a whole different ball of wax. 2. Getting to # 1 above is as myriad a rode as trying to figure out how to walk and you have no legs, but it can be done. 3. There are plenty of ways to make money online, i.e. affiliate marketing, advertising, selling digital products, selling real products, the list goes on. 4. Starting your own PTC program or TE, or whatever. It all goes back to reputation and people knowing and trusting you. Because as we all know, NOTHING goes away forever in the digital world. So, these are just a few tips that might help or not. The key is not to give up and when you get that NICHE you should laser focus on it and stay on it and try to earn more than a SINGLE dollar, but if you can make $1, ...

PTC(paid to click) direct referral strategies

Now I'm going to make this quick because you CAN make money with PTC programs, HOWEVER, most of the time it is only a few cents or a dollar or two. The key and the ONLY WAY, let me rinse and repeat that last part again....the ONLY WAY to make REAL money with a PTC is to have referrals. Rented or Direct, you've got to have them. The difference is obvious, the rented ones go away after a set time, but a direct referral STAYS with you as long as they are active in the program. If you need further information simply search for direct referral strategies or free direct referrals. If you want to know more about PTC's read some of my older posts. Until next long and well hopefully prosper! LOL!

some money making tips for teens

I'm adding this link because it looked like a useful site and with the economy the way it is any advice is good advice if it is put to good use. So, check out this link and let me know if any of the info is useful or not! as usual the comment box is OPEN! LOL!